
Global Crypto Regulatory News - 1 May 2023

April 30, 2023

Whilst Blockpass monitors and adapts to regulatory changes around the world, we only cover some of the news and developments in articles on the Blockpass blog. However, to showcase more information around what is going on in the blockchain and crypto regulatory scene around the world, we’ve selected some prominent or interesting news and articles that feature relevant crypto regulatory and compliance developments.

Global Crypto Regulatory News - 1 May 2023
  • EU Passes MiCA Law

The long-awaited Markets in Crypto Assets law was overwhelmingly passed, providing cohesive crypto-asset laws throughout the EU.

  • Ukraine Follows EU Lead

Ukraine signals its intent to adopt the MiCA regulations as it seeks to become a member state.

  • US Seeks Further Crypto Regulation

The SEC seeks billions to continue its crackdown against fraudulent activity in the crypto space

  • Arizona Avoids Crypto Mining Legislation 

Governor of Arizona Katie Hobbs’ decision appears to be pro-crypto mining as she vetoes a bill on taxes and fees.

  • UK Crypto-Specific Regulation Within a Year

A CNBC interview reveals UK legislation goals to further its position as a crypto-hub.

  • Russia May Move to Legalize Cryptocurrencies

Perhaps in a move to avoid sanctions, Russia’s State Duma may be seeking to pass crypto laws.

  • Japan Send Warning to Un-registered Crypto Exchanges 

Whilst not against cryptocurrencies, Japan’s FSA have warned those without the appropriate licenses that they must register to continue.

  • DeFi Regulation Coming in Hong Kong

A representative from Hong Kong’s SFC has indicated that DeFi may soon find itself facing the same regulatory requirements as traditional finance.

  • Government-owned Bank in Switzerland Embraces Crypto 

Coming in the wake of the country’s recent banking crisis, customers of PostFinance are able to buy, store and sell certain cryptocurrencies.

  • Zambia’s Crypto Regulation Imminent as Tests Conclude

Simulations to investigate real-world crypto use are hoped to finish before July, paving the way for the country’s crypto regulation.

  • El Salvador Welcomes Bitfinex Securities Platform 

The new Bitfinex Securities platform is granted the first digital assets service provider license under El Salvador’s Digital Asset Issuance Law.

  • Bahamas Set to Improve Crypto Regulation 

Following the collapse of FTX which had its headquarters in the Bahamas, the country seeks to provide a better regulatory environment.

  • Bermuda Grants Coinbase License to Operate

As it leaves the US, Coinbase expands to other countries, with Bermuda providing new opportunities for the company.

  • Global Reports Examines Crypto Asset Laws and Regulations

A report titled ‘Fintech: how is the world shaping the financial innovation industry?’ by the International Bar Association banking law committee examines how fintech, including crypto, is evolving.