Matthew Warner
December 18, 2024
“Hark!” the regulators say,
“Get improv’d compliance today:
Peace of mind, digit’ly file,
All your issues - reconcile.”
“But how?” All the comp’nies cry
“Cost is sure to be sky-high.”
“No,” the wisest folk proclaim:
“Get Blockpass and look again.”
“No,” the wisest folk proclaim:
“Get Blockpass and look again.”
“Christ.” They say and check dashboards.
“That's so cheap for our onboards.”
“Quick to do - reusable.
User-focused, and safe too.
Veiled no more, our path is clear.
Blockpass saves; the answer’s here.”
Pleased with all they see they spake:
“Compliance - a piece of cake.”
“Yes,” the wisest folk proclaim:
“Get Blockpass and look again.”
Hail the only real solution.
Hail ID’s evolution!
Bringing better regulation
‘Cross all borders, and all nations.
Avoid fines and restitution,
With Blockpass’ neat solution.
Regulation, simplify;
With Blockpass you can comply.
“So,” the wisest folk proclaim:
“Get Blockpass and look again.”
Matthew Warner is a content producer and researcher at Blockpass, focusing on writing and community engagement while exploring the potential of blockchain, AI, and IoT technologies.