
Step-By-Step User Guide to Activating PASS Tokens

July 06, 2018

The following is a user guide to activating PASS tokens…

Download Blockpass mobile application v1.6 from the appropriate app store:

Create an identity

  1. Input Email address

  2. Verify email address with a 6-digit pin

  3. Choose a password

  4. Activate biometrics (on compatible devices only)

Build profile - For token activation, only name, passport and selfie are required

  1. On home screen, tap on ‘Build your profile’ button

  2. Input Given names

  3. Input Family name

  4. Take a picture of the front page of your passport and upload it

  5. Take a selfie holding your passport showing the front page

Go back to home page and select tab “Your services”

  1. Tap on “Activate your Pass tokens” > More info

  2. The screen shows required fields

  3. If all required fields are already filled, the button “Register” is enabled

  4. Tap “Register”

  5. In the next screen, select available certificates to add to registration

  6. Certificates are optional, whitelisting can be done without providing certificates

  7. If a user already whitelisted an address before, he can provide the certificate that was issued by the PASS token Activation service to speed up verifications

  8. Confirm information and upload to the Pass activation service

The mobile web browser is launched with the url

  1. Read and agree to token terms

  2. In the form displayed in the next step, input and submit the Ethereum address where the PASS tokens are held

  3. A Blockpass operator reviews the passport and selfie of the user. If pictures don’t match, whitelisting is rejected

  4. The operator checks if the Ethereum address provided holds pass tokens. If not, whitelisting is rejected

  5. The operator checks if address is already whitelisted. If so, whitelisting is rejected

  6. If all checks are ok, a certificate is issued stating that pictures were verified

  7. The user is notified by push notification that a new certificate has been issued

  8. The operator sends a transaction to the blockchain to add the ETH address in a smart contract

  9. The user is notified of success by push notification on his mobile phone

  10. PASS tokens held in the whitelisted address can now be transferred